2021 PBK initiates from the Computer Science Department

Following are the Computer Science student inductees from the Class of 2021 and 2022 for Phi Beta Kappa/Society of the Cincinnati:

  • Allison Miller ’21
  • Merrina Lan ’22
  • Alyssa Vu ’22


CS minors, Katie Cones and Callie Garst inducted into ODK

Alpha Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the national leadership honor society, welcomed initiates at Washington and Lee University’s annual Founders Day/ODK Convocation on Jan. 19, 2021, at 5 p.m. Because of COVID-19, the convocation was held in a virtual format.  CS minors, Katie Cones and Callie Garst, both class of 2021, were among the inductees.

Katie Sue Cones (Montgomery, Texas) is majoring in math with minors in computer science and classics. She has spent several years as a STEM fellow, becoming a leader in her lab and continuing to use those skills now as a math teaching assistant. Cones was also active in several branches of FYOC leadership, helping the organization find ways to combat the challenges of O-week in a pandemic. She now focuses most of her time to running Indie Big-Little, marketing for Friday Underground, and preparing her art for the SSA conference.

Callan Jane Garst (Boones Mill, Virginia) is majoring in math and minoring in computer science. She is an active member of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and has held the positions of large group coordinator, leadership academy coordinator and disciple. She currently serves as small group leader. She is treasurer of the Engineering Community Development Club and the social media chair and co-founder of Outreach Link, a club focused on raising money and awareness for victims of mass shootings. Garst, who has received funding to conduct research in number theory and algebraic geometry, serves as a teaching assistant for multiple mathematics professors and as a peer tutor for introductory courses in mathematics and physics.

For more info and a complete list of ODK initiates click here:  https://columns.wlu.edu/odk-to-initiate-three-honorary-50-student-members-at-2021-convention/

Check out CSCI 319 Video Game Design Final Projects!

The students of CSCI 319 – Video Game Design have turned in their final projects!  See their hard work at https://student-games.academic.wlu.edu/ under the Fall 2020 Games Page. Instructions for how to run the programs can be found on the page, see individual game pages for how to play. Windows OS does not need to install anything, Mac OS may need to install pygame (instructions also on the page).

2020 Computer Science Degrees, Scholarships, Prizes and Awards

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 Computer Science Majors and Minors for their outstanding achievements!

2020 Graduates:

KELLY ANNE AMAR (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
GEORGE BERNARD BARKER (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
LOGAN McCRAY BRAND (’20) – Bachelor of Science
JOSEPH LEO CALIHAN III (’20) – Bachelor of Science
WILL HARRIS CLARK(’20) – Bachelor of Arts , cum laude
RYAN NICOLAS COMPOLI (’20) – Bachelor of Science
PHILIP BENJAMIN DAVIS (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
ANGELA VERGARA DELOS REYES (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
MATTHEW MICHAEL DODSON (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
ZACHARY COLE FRANCIS (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
COLLIN REID GLATZ (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude
EMILY FRANCES HAGEBOECK (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude
KATHERINE POTTER HAMILL (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
JULIO CESAR HIDALGO LOPEZ (’20) – Bachelor of Science
MARSHALL McCALL HOWERTON (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
NGUYEN KHOI KIEU (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
ALLIE RENEE LEFKOWITZ (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
BRIAN M. LEGARTH (’20) – Bachelor of Science
RYAN CAMPBELL LESHER (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
RUINAN LIU (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
MAXWELL JAMES MASAITIS (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude
WILLIAM ALLEN McCANN, JR. (’20) – Bachelor of Science
ABIGAIL KATHLEEN NASON (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Honors in Computer Science, (Thesis: “Generating Enjoyable Playlists Using Music Similarity and the A* Algorithm”), Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
JUSTIN KAROL PUSZTAY (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
BETHANY ROSE REITSMA (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
EMILY CHRISTINE ROCHE (’20) – Bachelor of Science
MICHAEL GRIFFIN SCOTT (’20) – Bachelor of Science
SHEPHERD MILLS SIMS (’20) – Bachelor of Science
TREVOR WAYNE STALNAKER (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Honors in Computer Science, (Thesis: “Procedural Generation of Metroidvania-Style Levels”), Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude
CHRISTOPHER BOYD SURRAN II (’20) – Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude
ANDREW JAMES DEVITT TAYLOR (’20) – Bachelor of Science
MITCHELL COOPER THOMAS (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
JAMES DAVID WILSON (’20) – Bachelor of Science

Scholarships, Awards and Prizes

EMILY FRANCES HAGEBOECK (’20) – William D. McHenry Female Scholar-Athlete Award, Outstanding Women’s Swimming Award

JULIO CESAR HIDALGO LOPEZ (’20) – The James Jinkins Livesay, M.D. Premedical Award

ABIGAIL KATHLEEN NASON (’20) – The Computer Science Department Award

BETHANY ROSE REITSMA (’20) – The Washington and Lee University Orchestra Award, The John and Mimi Elrod Fellowship

ANGELA VERGARA DELOS REYES (’20) – The Studio Thesis Award

EMILY CHRISTINE ROCHE (’20) – Most Valuable Player Award (Women’s Soccer)

TREVOR WAYNE STALNAKER (’20) – The Franklin Society Scholarship, The Computer Science Department Award

2020 Phi Beta Kappa initiates from the Computer Science Department

The Annual Convocation for the Phi Beta Kappa/Society of the Cincinnati  took place on Sunday, March 22, 2020 in Leyburn Library’s Northen Auditorium. Following are the Computer Science student inductees:

  • George Barker, ’20
  • Collin Glatz, 20
  • Ryan Lesher, ’20
  • Max Masaitis, 20
  • Trevor Stalnaker, 20
  • Kush Attal ’21


CSCI major, Laurie Jones ’21, shares her W&L experiences

Laurie Jones, a double major (Computer Science and Physics & Engineering), is also an accomplished member of the university’s golf team.  Click on the link to learn more about Laurie’s W&L experience.


Spotlight on CSCI senior major George Barker ’20

George, a double major in both computer science and chemistry, worked this past summer with Professor Sprenkle to develop a web application that specializes in tutoring students in the basics of general chemistry.

Click the link to learn more about George and his achievements!



CS major athletic accolades!

Senior Cooper Baird , (Fort Worth, Texas/Fort Worth Country Day) was one of three W&L athletes  honored  at The U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) 2019 NCAA Division III men’s outdoor track and field ceremony.  The ceremony was held in New Orleans on Sunday, May 19th.   Cooper recorded the third-fastest time in the South/Southeast region in the 1,500m (3:56.36) at the Bison Outdoor Classic on April 13.  This marks Cooper’s second outdoor all-region citation and his third  commendation, overall.

Congratulations, Cooper!

For the full story, click here:  https://www.generalssports.com/sports/mtrack/2018-19/releases/20190520i01j4m


2019 Degrees, Scholarships, Prizes and Awards for CS Students

Congratulations to the following Computer Science students for their outstanding achievements!

2019 Graduates:

HAMMAD AHMAD (’19) – Honors in Computer Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude and The Computer Science Award
COOPER BROCK BAIRD (’19) – Bachelor of Science
ALEXANDER KARL CANTRELL (’19) – Bachelor of Arts
EMILY SHILLINGTON CARDEN (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
EMILY LYNN COHEN (’19) – Bachelor of Science
NORA KATHARINE DEVLIN (’19) – Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude
MICHAEL WILLIAM DIK (’19) – Bachelor of Science
MARK BENEDICT DONOHUE (’19) – Bachelor of Arts
DENIS JOSE ESTRADA HAMM (’19) – Bachelor of Science
MAXWELL JEFFERSON GOLD (’19) – Bachelor of Science, Honors in Interdisplinary, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
MARY CATHERINE GREENLEAF (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, The Studio Thesis Award
CONNOR ALEXANDER HAYWOOD (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science
ROBERT EVERT  BANCKER HOLMES (’19) – Bachelor of Arts
MITCHELL REED HORNSBY (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, Dan Ray Justice Memorial Football Award
CARTER DALTON HUFFMAN (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, Coaches and Captains Track and Field Award
MADHAV MATHUR (’19) – Bachelor of Arts
KELLY EWINGS McCAFFREY (’19) – Bachelor of Science
SARAH ANNE TROISE (’19) – Bachelor of Science

SIMA KUMARI SHARMA (’18 ) – Bachelor of Arts


TREVOR WAYNE STALNAKER (’20) – The Franklin Society Scholarship, The James McDowell Scholarship, and The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) Award

ABIGAIL KATHLEEN NASON (’20) –  The James McDowell Scholarship


2019 Phi Beta Kappa initiates from the Computer Science Department

The Phi Beta Kappa/Society of the Cincinnati Convocation took place on Sunday, March 17, at 3:00 p.m., in Leyburn Library’s Northen Auditorium. Congratulations to the following CSCI students who were initiated into PBK this year:

  • Maxwell Gold ’19
  • Pengrui Wang, (CS Minor),  ’19
  • Abby Nason, ’20

These students join the following previously inducted members:

  • Truth Iyiewuare ’18
  • Tommy Thetford ’18
  • Hammad Ahmad,  ’19

Congratulations to all current and previous inductees!