CS major Katie Yurechko – First Marshall Scholar at Washington and Lee!

Katie Yurechko, ’24, a computer science and philosophy double major, was one of 51 Marshall Scholars chosen in 2023.   She is the first Marshall Scholar at W&L!

The Marshall Scholarship program was created in 1953 by an Act of British Parliament as a thank-you to former U.S. Secretary of State General George Marshall and the United States for assistance under the Economic Recovery Act, better known as the Marshall Plan. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit, leadership potential and ambassadorial potential.

Katie will receive a scholarship that fully funds one to three years of study at UK universities.  She will study at the University of Oxford and University College London.

Click here to read the full story.


Congratulations, Katie!

2020 Computer Science Degrees, Scholarships, Prizes and Awards

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 Computer Science Majors and Minors for their outstanding achievements!

2020 Graduates:

KELLY ANNE AMAR (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
GEORGE BERNARD BARKER (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
LOGAN McCRAY BRAND (’20) – Bachelor of Science
JOSEPH LEO CALIHAN III (’20) – Bachelor of Science
WILL HARRIS CLARK(’20) – Bachelor of Arts , cum laude
RYAN NICOLAS COMPOLI (’20) – Bachelor of Science
PHILIP BENJAMIN DAVIS (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
ANGELA VERGARA DELOS REYES (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
MATTHEW MICHAEL DODSON (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
ZACHARY COLE FRANCIS (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
COLLIN REID GLATZ (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude
EMILY FRANCES HAGEBOECK (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude
KATHERINE POTTER HAMILL (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
JULIO CESAR HIDALGO LOPEZ (’20) – Bachelor of Science
MARSHALL McCALL HOWERTON (’20) – Bachelor of Arts
NGUYEN KHOI KIEU (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
ALLIE RENEE LEFKOWITZ (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
BRIAN M. LEGARTH (’20) – Bachelor of Science
RYAN CAMPBELL LESHER (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
RUINAN LIU (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
MAXWELL JAMES MASAITIS (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude
WILLIAM ALLEN McCANN, JR. (’20) – Bachelor of Science
ABIGAIL KATHLEEN NASON (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Honors in Computer Science, (Thesis: “Generating Enjoyable Playlists Using Music Similarity and the A* Algorithm”), Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
JUSTIN KAROL PUSZTAY (’20) – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
BETHANY ROSE REITSMA (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
EMILY CHRISTINE ROCHE (’20) – Bachelor of Science
MICHAEL GRIFFIN SCOTT (’20) – Bachelor of Science
SHEPHERD MILLS SIMS (’20) – Bachelor of Science
TREVOR WAYNE STALNAKER (’20) – Bachelor of Science, Honors in Computer Science, (Thesis: “Procedural Generation of Metroidvania-Style Levels”), Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude
CHRISTOPHER BOYD SURRAN II (’20) – Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude
ANDREW JAMES DEVITT TAYLOR (’20) – Bachelor of Science
MITCHELL COOPER THOMAS (’20) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
JAMES DAVID WILSON (’20) – Bachelor of Science

Scholarships, Awards and Prizes

EMILY FRANCES HAGEBOECK (’20) – William D. McHenry Female Scholar-Athlete Award, Outstanding Women’s Swimming Award

JULIO CESAR HIDALGO LOPEZ (’20) – The James Jinkins Livesay, M.D. Premedical Award

ABIGAIL KATHLEEN NASON (’20) – The Computer Science Department Award

BETHANY ROSE REITSMA (’20) – The Washington and Lee University Orchestra Award, The John and Mimi Elrod Fellowship

ANGELA VERGARA DELOS REYES (’20) – The Studio Thesis Award

EMILY CHRISTINE ROCHE (’20) – Most Valuable Player Award (Women’s Soccer)

TREVOR WAYNE STALNAKER (’20) – The Franklin Society Scholarship, The Computer Science Department Award

CSCI 2018 Scholarships, Prizes, and Awards

Congratulations to the following Computer Science students as recipients of this year’s scholarships, awards, and prizes:

REBECCA MELKERSON (’18) – The Computer Science Department Award and The Walter LeConte Stevens Scholarship

JULIANNE CAMPBELL (’18) – The Third-Generation Student Achievement Award

ALICIA MARTINEZ (’18) – The James S. Wood Prize in German

LEX McGRIFF (’18) – The Alexander Thomas Boehling ’10 Memorial Award

KARISHMA PATEL (’18) – The Business Administration Department Scholarship


MAX GOLD (’19) – The James McDowell Scholarship

SARAH ANNE TROISE (’19) – National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates


COLLIN GLATZ (’20) – The B. S. Stephenson Scholarship

EMILY HAGEBOECK (’20) – Women’s SwimmingOutstanding Women’s Swimming Award


GILLEN BECK (’18 Minor)– National Collegiate Athletic Association Scholarship,
The H. Thomas Williams Jr. Undergraduate Research Award and the William D. McHenry Male Scholar-Athlete Award

WALKER BRAND (’18 Minor) – The Brackett Priddy Prize,  the Larry Stuart Memorial Award and the Wink Glasgow Spirit and Sportsmanship Award

AUSTIN CHOI (’18 Minor) – The Brackett Priddy Prize

RAM RAVAL (’18 Minor) – The Accounting Department Scholarship

TOMMY THETFORD (’18 Minor) – P. R. Press Brown Most Valuable Male Athlete and in Men’s Swimming, Memorial Swimming Award

PENGRUI WANG (’19 Minor)  – The George Addison Baxter Scholarship and The Garrett Economics Prize


Descriptions of each scholarship, award and prize can be found on the W&L website.

Spotlight on CSCI Major, Will McMurtry ’18

Senior Will McMurtry, Johnson Scholar and Computer Science Major, discusses why Washington and Lee was his number one choice for higher education.



Graduates, Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes 2014

Congratulations to all our Computer Science majors and minors for their outstanding work and efforts this academic year. Graduate majors: Alexander K. Baca, Connor A. Hollenbeck, Jin Huang, Patrick J. Jennings, Garrett Koller,  Colin M. Mohnacs, Jean P. Mugabe, Anton D. Reed, Suraj Bajracharya, Andrew E. Kimberly, Richard J. Marmorstein and graduate minors: William M. Peaseley.


The following students have won, since the last commencement, fellowships in national or international competitions which underwrite their continuing academic endeavors.

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships– (three years of funding in support of graduate study): Camille Morgan Cobb ‘12

Venture for American Fellowship (two years of work and mentoring as an entrepreneur with American start-up companies): Alexander Kairo Anderson Baca ‘14


Computer Science: The Computer Science Department Award: Richard J. Marmorstein

The Kim Family Prize in Economics: Richard J. Marmorstein

Johnson Scholars: Garrett Heath Koller     

Mathematics Department: The Taylor Scholarship in Mathematics: Onyebuchi Ekenta         

Student Affairs: The Douglas C. Halstead Memorial Scholarship: Jok Genga Asiyo

The Ring Tum Phi Awards: Anton D. Reed

Team Awards: Leigh Williams Memorial Award: Andrew E. Kimberly

Football: Dan Ray Justice Memorial Football Award: Connor Hollenbeck


Graduates, Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes 2013

Lee Davis, Alicia Bargar and Shannon McGovern
Lee Davis, Alicia Bargar and Shannon McGovern

Congratulations to all our computer science majors and minors for their outstanding work and efforts this academic year.



Alicia M. Bargar

Lee A. Davis

Paul Nguyen

Shannon L. McGovern

Phillip A. Lisovicz


Amy E. Clayton

Orrin H. Ingram

Ian L. Lenora

Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes

Computer Science major, Alicia M. Bargar ’13, was awarded the 2013 Computer Science Departmental Award. This prize is given annually to a Computer Science major who demonstrates academic excellence.   Alicia also graduated cum laude.

Computer Science major, Oliver Mahame ’14, was awarded The James McDowell Scholarship. The James McDowell Scholarship endowed by Mrs. Mary B. Ross in memory of her father, James McDowell, former Governor of Virginia, is conferred upon an undergraduate. The award is based on the student’s record during the previous two years here at W&L.

Richard J. Marmorstein ’14, Economics, and Computer Science major was awarded The Edwin Claybrook Griffith Scholarship in Economics. This scholarship is given annually to an economics major who demonstrates academic excellence and leadership in student activities.

Wenda Tu ’14, Computer Science minor won The Williams Prize in Mathematics. The Williams Prize in Mathematics, in honor of Dr. Charles W. Williams (emeritus Professor of Mathematics), is conferred upon the junior mathematics major who has the highest grade-point average in mathematics and who plans to attend graduate school in mathematics.

Scholarships to Attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing will be held in nearby Atlanta, September 28 – October 2, 2010. The theme of the conference is “Collaborating Across Boundaries”. The conference is a great opportunity for students to network with employers for jobs and internships as well as with students and faculty from other schools.

If you are interested in attending the conference, you should apply for a scholarship. Scholarships cover conference registration (which includes most meals), lodging, and travel. Applications are due May 14.