CS Prof. Liz Matthews’ Advisor awarded National Award from President Biden!

Juan Gilbert, a University of Florida professor and graduate school advisor to Professor Matthews, received the prestigious National Medal of Technology and Innovation from President Biden.

His pioneering designs in election technology aim to make voting more secure and accessible and, ultimately, protect our democracy.

Click on the link to see the details.


Another Publication for CS Professor Liz Matthews!

Congratulations to Professor Matthews for her latest online publication “Consistent Gaming Skill Demographics in Academic Research” !!
The paper has been published in the IADIS International Journal on  Computer Science and Information Systems – Volume 17, Issue 2, 2022 (online journal)
and is available at
This publication is also noteworthy because it was co-authored by W&L students — Irina Koleva ’22 and Sujana Basnet ’23.

This paper highlights this problem of inconsistent gaming terminology, collects demographic questions in existing research, and showcases the data collected from a user study with these questions. The results show that self-chosen categories are a statistically significant metric and are recommended as an easy-to-obtain value.

Below is an image of the first page of the paper.

Abtract and Introduction of the pubilcation.


Published Paper for CS Prof. Liz Matthews

Congratulations to Professor Matthews  for her published paper  “Gaming Skill Demographics:  An Analysis of Consistency in Video Game Research”!

An important fact about this paper is it’s based on the work of two SRS students from last summer.  It was also selected as one of the best papers.  Although it didn’t win, this paper was extended for publication in another journal which should be accessible in another month or so.

Here is an image of the first page of the paper along with links to the title page and the website where the full paper will eventually be available.

Title page with Abstract and Introduction



Just released — W&L After Class Podcast featuring Professor Khan!

Washington and Lee’s Office of Lifelong Learning has a podcast “W&L After Class” where you can hear from various faculty members about a wide variety of topics they have expertise in.

In Season 3, Taha Khan, assistant professor of computer science  at W&L, discusses his research on computer security, privacy and human-computer interaction — including cybercrime.

Protect Yourself!

A Discussion About Cybersecurity with Taha Khan

Recorded Jan. 11, 2022
Aired Feb. 8, 2022

listen to the podcast at this link: https://washingtonandlee.podbean.com/e/script-kiddies-and-the-evolution-of-cybercrime/

CS’s Professor Khan has publications!

Professor Taha Khan published 2 papers in AY 2020-21.   Both papers were published in the same conference, USENIX Security.  The USENIX Association is a nonprofit organization, dedicated to supporting the advanced computing systems communities and furthering the reach of innovative research.  Professor Khan’s papers were entitled “Helping Users Automatically Find and Manage Sensitive, Expendable Files in Cloud Storage” and  “Blind In/On-Path Attacks and Applications to VPNs”.

Click here to learn more:  https://dblp.org/pid/154/3627.html


CS Professor, Kefu Lu, has published a paper!

Kefu Lu, an assistant professor with W&L’s Computer Science Department, has recently published a paper.  This paper will be showcased, in September,  at the International European Conference for Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par),  one of the premier venues in parallel computing. The paper is titled “A Scalable Approximation Algorithm for Weighted Longest Common Subsequence” and focuses on designing an accurate and fast algorithm in the context of distributed systems for a fundamental process most notably utilized for sequence alignment in bioinformatics.

Congratulations, Professor Lu!

Click on the link the see the paper in its entirety.


Computer Science Senior Celebration, 2021

The CS Department celebrated the Class of 2021 in a subdued, very-computer-science-y way this past Monday (5/17) at the Event tent in the Dell.  Senior gifts were handed out and a (slightly competitive) computer science  version of Pictionary was played… Fun!    Here are a few pics, courtesy of Professor Matthews:

Opening game of 10 Fingers
Opening game of 10 Fingers
Prof. Lu's team
Prof. Lu’s team
Prof. Lambert's team
Prof. Lambert’s team
Prof. Khan's team
Prof. Khan’s team
Prof. Levy's team
Prof. Levy’s team
Prof. Sprenkle adding up the scores
Prof. Sprenkle adding up the scores




Highlighting CS Professor, Cody Watson’s publication

Cody Watson, an assistant professor of W&L Computer Science Department, has published a paper in the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) .  ICSE is the top conference in software engineering.

Learn more about Prof. Watson’s paper — “On Learning Meaningful Assert Statements for Unit Test Cases” here.


Welcoming Professor Taha Khan to the CS Department

Taha Khan joined W&L’s Computer Science Department as an assistant professor during the 2020-21 academic year.  His research focuses on computer security, privacy and human-computer interaction, including cybercrime, commercial VPN services privacy, and privacy-centric management of longitudinal data in the personal cloud.

Click on the link to learn more about Professor Khan!


Professor Matthews wins Best Paper Award

Liz Matthews, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at W&L, was selected for the  Outstanding Paper Award  at the 13th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies.  The paper, which was co-authored by Juan Gilbert (University of Florida) is entitled “ATLAS CHRONICLE: DEVELOPMENT AND VERIFICATION OF A SYSTEM FOR PROCEDURAL GENERATION OF STORY-DRIVEN GAMES”.
The Conference Committee, taking into account the blind review process, considers this paper of the highest standard.

Please click on the link to learn more…


Additionally, because Professor Matthews won best paper, she got to extend the paper and publish in this journal:


Congratulations, Professor Matthews!