Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Washington and Lee University
Department of Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science at Washington and Lee University invites applications for a tenure-track opening at the Assistant Professor level beginning July 1, 2016. New faculty will join four current full-time members of the department in supporting a thriving undergraduate computer science major. Candidates should have a commitment to excellence in teaching, an active research program, and expertise in bioscience or neuroscience, and they should be able to sponsor student research in neuroscience. Candidates should, by September 1, 2016, hold a Ph.D. in computer science.
Washington and Lee University is a highly selective, coeducational liberal arts college located in the scenic Shenandoah Valley of southwestern Virginia. The Department of Computer Science offers a congenial working environment with small classes, excellent students, and state-of-the-art facilities. The academic calendar consists of two twelve-week terms followed by a four-week spring term. A typical teaching assignment is two courses in the fall, two courses plus an accompanying lab for one of the two courses in the winter, and one course every other spring. Many opportunities exist for collaboration across disciplines, particularly with other faculty in the sciences.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, teaching and research statements, and contact information for three references, at least one of whom can evaluate the candidate’s promise as a teacher. Candidates should also ask their references to send letters directly to the search committee. Applications, letters, and questions about the position should be addressed to Dr. Kenneth Lambert, Chair, Department of Computer Science, 406 Parmly Hall, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia 24450. Electronic submissions in PDF format are preferred and can be sent to lambertk@wlu.edu. For more details, see https://jobs.wlu.edu/postings/2523
Application review will begin by November 1, 2015.