CSCI major, Laurie Jones ’21, shares her W&L experiences

Laurie Jones, a double major (Computer Science and Physics & Engineering), is also an accomplished member of the university’s golf team.  Click on the link to learn more about Laurie’s W&L experience.

2019 Degrees, Scholarships, Prizes and Awards for CS Students

Congratulations to the following Computer Science students for their outstanding achievements!

2019 Graduates:

HAMMAD AHMAD (’19) – Honors in Computer Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude and The Computer Science Award
COOPER BROCK BAIRD (’19) – Bachelor of Science
ALEXANDER KARL CANTRELL (’19) – Bachelor of Arts
EMILY SHILLINGTON CARDEN (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
EMILY LYNN COHEN (’19) – Bachelor of Science
NORA KATHARINE DEVLIN (’19) – Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude
MICHAEL WILLIAM DIK (’19) – Bachelor of Science
MARK BENEDICT DONOHUE (’19) – Bachelor of Arts
DENIS JOSE ESTRADA HAMM (’19) – Bachelor of Science
MAXWELL JEFFERSON GOLD (’19) – Bachelor of Science, Honors in Interdisplinary, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
MARY CATHERINE GREENLEAF (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, The Studio Thesis Award
CONNOR ALEXANDER HAYWOOD (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science
ROBERT EVERT  BANCKER HOLMES (’19) – Bachelor of Arts
MITCHELL REED HORNSBY (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, Dan Ray Justice Memorial Football Award
CARTER DALTON HUFFMAN (’19) – Bachelor of Arts, Coaches and Captains Track and Field Award
MADHAV MATHUR (’19) – Bachelor of Arts
KELLY EWINGS McCAFFREY (’19) – Bachelor of Science
SARAH ANNE TROISE (’19) – Bachelor of Science

SIMA KUMARI SHARMA (’18 ) – Bachelor of Arts


TREVOR WAYNE STALNAKER (’20) – The Franklin Society Scholarship, The James McDowell Scholarship, and The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) Award

ABIGAIL KATHLEEN NASON (’20) –  The James McDowell Scholarship


2019 Phi Beta Kappa initiates from the Computer Science Department

The Phi Beta Kappa/Society of the Cincinnati Convocation took place on Sunday, March 17, at 3:00 p.m., in Leyburn Library’s Northen Auditorium. Congratulations to the following CSCI students who were initiated into PBK this year:

  • Maxwell Gold ’19
  • Pengrui Wang, (CS Minor),  ’19
  • Abby Nason, ’20

These students join the following previously inducted members:

  • Truth Iyiewuare ’18
  • Tommy Thetford ’18
  • Hammad Ahmad,  ’19

Congratulations to all current and previous inductees!


CS Major Sarah Anne Troise ’19 is new ODK member

Washington and Lee University’s annual Founders Day/ODK Convocation was held on Jan. 22nd at 5 p.m. in Lee Chapel.  CS major Sarah Anne Troise ’19 was one of the inductees.  Her accomplishments are outlined below.  Congratulations Sarah Anne!

Sarah Anne Troise (Lexington, Virginia) is majoring in engineering and computer science. She is president of Women in Technology and Science, teaching STEM lessons to local elementary school girls. She was a member of the Student Financial Aid Committee and the Science, Society, and the Arts Advisory Committee. A Johnson Scholar and the 2017 president of Sigma Pi Sigma Honor Society, she has participated in research in the Physics and Engineering Department since fall 2016 and will present her findings at the American Concrete Institute Convention this year. She was the 2017 recipient of the H. Thomas Williams Jr. Undergraduate Research Scholarship, as well as the 2016 and 2017 recipient of a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Fellowship.

Click on the link below for details on all the initiates.

CSCI Highlights from Graduation

Some pictures of the graduates — Congratulations Class of 2018!

Photo credit: W&L’s Scene on Campus, May 25, 2018

Lex and Truth
Karishma (4th from left) and Julianne (6th from left)
Truth at the Donning of the Kente Ceremony
Lex at the Donning of the Kente Ceremony
Janie on the Collonade
Gillen (left) and Rebecca (and from the left)
Truth getting his diploma
Janie bids W&L a fond farewell


CSCI 2018 Scholarships, Prizes, and Awards

Congratulations to the following Computer Science students as recipients of this year’s scholarships, awards, and prizes:

REBECCA MELKERSON (’18) – The Computer Science Department Award and The Walter LeConte Stevens Scholarship

JULIANNE CAMPBELL (’18) – The Third-Generation Student Achievement Award

ALICIA MARTINEZ (’18) – The James S. Wood Prize in German

LEX McGRIFF (’18) – The Alexander Thomas Boehling ’10 Memorial Award

KARISHMA PATEL (’18) – The Business Administration Department Scholarship


MAX GOLD (’19) – The James McDowell Scholarship

SARAH ANNE TROISE (’19) – National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates


COLLIN GLATZ (’20) – The B. S. Stephenson Scholarship

EMILY HAGEBOECK (’20) – Women’s SwimmingOutstanding Women’s Swimming Award


GILLEN BECK (’18 Minor)– National Collegiate Athletic Association Scholarship,
The H. Thomas Williams Jr. Undergraduate Research Award and the William D. McHenry Male Scholar-Athlete Award

WALKER BRAND (’18 Minor) – The Brackett Priddy Prize,  the Larry Stuart Memorial Award and the Wink Glasgow Spirit and Sportsmanship Award

AUSTIN CHOI (’18 Minor) – The Brackett Priddy Prize

RAM RAVAL (’18 Minor) – The Accounting Department Scholarship

TOMMY THETFORD (’18 Minor) – P. R. Press Brown Most Valuable Male Athlete and in Men’s Swimming, Memorial Swimming Award

PENGRUI WANG (’19 Minor)  – The George Addison Baxter Scholarship and The Garrett Economics Prize


Descriptions of each scholarship, award and prize can be found on the W&L website.

CS Major Nora Devlin ’19 reflects on her experiences at W&L

“Attending W&L has made me more conscious of societal issues and more confident in my own opinions and beliefs.”  

Junior Nora Devlin shares how being a part of the Washington & Lee community has shaped her views and given her a stronger personal identity.  Click on the link below to learn more about Nora…

Spotlight on Seniors: Lex McGriff ’18 and Sima Sharma ’18

As they prepare for graduation and the future, Lex McGriff and Sima Sharma share their W&L experiences and student successes.

Lex McGriff, a Computer Science and Sociology double major shares her leadership experiences as the vice president of the Student Association for Black Unity (SABU) and vice president of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK).  Lex also talks about her association with the Strategic Planning Steering Committee and the Diversity Sub-Committee of Strategic Planning.

Sima Sharma, majoring in Computer Science and East Asian Languages and Literatures (Chinese), discusses her extracurricular involvement with the Multicultural Student Association, the Student Association for International Learning, the Student Environmental Action League and her participation with the Rockbridge County Schools tutor program.

Through Lex’s developing supervisory skills and a Sima’s passion for cultural diversity, these bright and enterprising W&L seniors are sure to have continued success in their future endeavors!  Learn more about their stories by clicking on the links below: McGriff/ Sharma/


CSCI Major Janie Martin ’18 –Breakthrough Achievement at Hackathon!

Senior Janie Martin attended Rice University’s 7th annual Hackathon this past weekend in Houston with the goal of trying to solve some of the biggest problems in health care today.  The Hackathon competitors were in a 36 hour race against each other to develop new software and hardware to solve challenges identified by doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital. About 400 hackers competed for various prizes.

For Janie, the competition provided an opportunity to solve a medical problem that she herself once suffered from, encephalitis.  Janie and her teammates developed a product called Memory Eyes which is a device that uses image detection and facial recognition software to assist with cognitive disorders.  Cognitive impairment is a major component of encephalitis.  As Janie explains it, with encephalitis,  “You could be standing in a grocery store talking to someone when suddenly you have no idea where you are or who they are.” “With a press of a button, Memory Eyes will tell you who you’re talking to, where you are and remind you what you were there to get.”

Click on the link below to read more about Janie’s accomplishments and other cutting edge health care successes of Hackathon!


CSCI Major Mary Catherine Greenleaf ’19: Digital Humanities Experience

Mary Catherine, a Computer Science and Studio Art major, describes her recent participation in a Digital Humanities project, and shares her enthusiasm for blending art with computer science.