CSCI Dept. T-Shirts

The Computer Science Department T-Shirts are here!  The shirts were designed by CSCI students and alumni and printed by a local Lexington vendor (see contact info below).  Shirts are available to current CSCI Majors and Minors and can be picked up in the CSCI Office.

A&S Screenprinting & Embroidery
176 W Midland Trail, Lexington, VA 24450
Phone: (540) 464-9042


Around the World with Cathy Wang ’15 (CSCI minor)

In the short five months that I have spent in London, I have fallen truly madly deeply in love with the city. Samuel Johnson said it best, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” This is a city full of life, and the possibilities are truly endless. It seems as if each day I discover more to do and more to experience.

Read more….

Computer Science Major – Jok Asyio ’16 Perspectives and Experiences

“College is a place where you will grow no matter how you go through it. The only thing you control is who you grow to be.”

Amin ’17’s Greener Alternative

Sophomore computer science major Azmain Amin ’17’s entrepreneurial idea for better grocery bags, called PolyGreen Bags, is featured on the W&L home page.  Amin’s idea won first place in W&L’s Social Entrepreneurship Summit.  You make us proud, Amin!

T-Shirt Design Feedback

We got two t-shirt designs! What do you all think?

Pride shirt:

Front of the shirt
Ginny's design of CS shirt -- back(2)
Back of the shirt


Front of shirt
Front of shirt

Hot pink (or other neon color, we aren’t picky) with “CODE CODE CODE” down the front, courtesy of the Nerdbin.

2014 T-Shirt Design Competition

The Computer Science Department is having a t-shirt design competition!  Put on your thinking caps, recall your favorite puns and slogans, and create a new shirt!


  • short or long-sleeve t-shirt
  • one color printed on a solid color t-shirt
  • options for printing are front/back/sleeve (probably only 2 of those 3)
  • keep it clean and original (we don’t want to worry about trademarks)!

Submission (subject to change): Send the images (in some commonly used format, like jpg, png, tiff) to Sara Sprenkle (   Include explanation, if necessary, such as which image is on the front and which is on the back.

Deadline: Friday, September 12.

Graduates, Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes 2014

Congratulations to all our Computer Science majors and minors for their outstanding work and efforts this academic year. Graduate majors: Alexander K. Baca, Connor A. Hollenbeck, Jin Huang, Patrick J. Jennings, Garrett Koller,  Colin M. Mohnacs, Jean P. Mugabe, Anton D. Reed, Suraj Bajracharya, Andrew E. Kimberly, Richard J. Marmorstein and graduate minors: William M. Peaseley.


The following students have won, since the last commencement, fellowships in national or international competitions which underwrite their continuing academic endeavors.

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships– (three years of funding in support of graduate study): Camille Morgan Cobb ‘12

Venture for American Fellowship (two years of work and mentoring as an entrepreneur with American start-up companies): Alexander Kairo Anderson Baca ‘14


Computer Science: The Computer Science Department Award: Richard J. Marmorstein

The Kim Family Prize in Economics: Richard J. Marmorstein

Johnson Scholars: Garrett Heath Koller     

Mathematics Department: The Taylor Scholarship in Mathematics: Onyebuchi Ekenta         

Student Affairs: The Douglas C. Halstead Memorial Scholarship: Jok Genga Asiyo

The Ring Tum Phi Awards: Anton D. Reed

Team Awards: Leigh Williams Memorial Award: Andrew E. Kimberly

Football: Dan Ray Justice Memorial Football Award: Connor Hollenbeck


Programming Teams Excel at Dickinson Contest

W&L Programming teams won 2nd and 6th place out of 20 at the annual Dickinson College Programming Contest on Saturday, April 5.  Team “Syntax Error to the Thrown Exception” placed 2nd with seniors Richard Marmorstein ’14 and Alex Baca ’14 and first year Lauren Revere ’17.  Team “Justice League” placed 6th with seniors Garrett Koller ’14 and Anton Reed ’14 and junior Samantha O’Dell ’15.

In such competitions, teams try to solve as many of the programming problems as possible in the least amount of time, fueled by pizza, snacks, and caffeine.  A solution consists of code that correctly executes for all possible correctly formatted inputs. The contest also included teams from Dickinson, Elizabethtown, Ursinus, Gettysburg, Lebanon Valley, and Messiah Colleges and Penn State – Harrisburg.  Team “F.R.O.G” from Messiah College won the competition.

The Programming Club and ACM Student Chapter at Washington and Lee is led by Alex Baca ’14.


Team Syntax Error to The Thrown Exception
Team Syntax Error to the Thrown Exception
Team Justice League
Team Justice League
Celebrating afterwards, Richard Marmorstein '14, Anton Reed '14, Lauren Revere '17, Alex Baca '14, Samantha O'Dell '15, and Garrett Koller '14.
Celebrating afterwards, Richard Marmorstein ’14, Anton Reed ’14, Lauren Revere ’17, Alex Baca ’14, Samantha O’Dell ’15, and Garrett Koller ’14.


Computer Science majors and minor to be inducted into Phi Beta Kappa

phibetakappaComputer Science majors Richard Marmorstein ’14 and Bipeen Acharya ’15, and Scott Gould ’15, a computer science minor, will be inducted into the prestigious academic honor society at the Phi Beta Kappa/Society of the Cincinnati Convocation on Thursday, March 13, at 11:45 a.m. in Lee Chapel. The convocation, will recognize and honor 49 members of the junior and senior classes and eight graduates from the class of 2013, all of whom were accepted into Phi Beta Kappa based on their exceptional academic achievements.
Read more:

Check out our very own Drew Kimberly ’14, taking it to the hole.

Check out our very own Drew Kimberly ’14, taking it to the hole. This is the 11th –seeded W&L’s 77-70 win over 3rd-seeded Guilford College, in the semifinals of the ODAC men’s basketball tournament, at the Salem Civic Center. Drew Kimberly