2016 Spring Term Festival

Students displayed their Spring Term projects during the 2016 Festival held on May 20 on the main floor of Leyburn Library. This poster below, created by students from CSCI 335, showcases the development of high-performance software for web applications.

Perry O’Connor ’17 explains her team’s work on the Symbolic Logic Tutorial to Professor Gavin Fox. Asha Campbell ’17 (seated) also worked on the Symbolic Logic Tutorial. Mina Shnoudah ’17 (right) demonstrated his team’s Ancient Graffiti Project application next.


CSCI Major Johanna Goergen ’16 Thesis Defense

Date: 4/8/2016
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Computer Science Dept.
(reception at 3:30)

Johanna Goergen ’16 will defend her Thesis on Friday, April 8th at 4pm in the CSCI Department.

“Leveraging Parameter and Resource Naming Conventions to Improve Test Suite Adherence to Persistent State Conditions”

A web application is a software application whose functionality can be accessed by users over the Internet via web browsers. As web applications take on vital and sensitive responsibilities, it is critical that web applications are well-tested and maintained before they are deployed to the public and with every subsequent update or change. A common approach to automating web application testing is test suite generation based on user sessions. Although these approaches to automated testing are promising,
they leave room for improvement in effectiveness due to their lack of adherence to requirements imposed by data outside of application code, such as data stored in databases. My objective is to contribute an approach to creating more effective web application test suites based on predicting the content of the application’s external data store(s) throughout testing.


CSCI Students Brian Krouskos ’16 and Jamie White ’17 are Phi Beta Kappa Inductees

Congratulations to CS Minor Brian Krouskos ’16 and CS Major Jamie White ’17 as they are honored at the 2016 Phi Beta Kappa/Society of Cincinnati Convocation and Induction Ceremony to be held on Sunday, March 13th. Brian and Jamie join previous CSCI PBK inductees Sam Borowsky ’16 and Michael Holt ’16 who were inducted at the 2015 Phi Beta Kappa Ceremony.

Click on the link for more details!


CSCI Major – Rajwol Joshi ’18 — International Perspectives

“I came here primarily for a liberal arts education (something not available back home), uncertain of what I wanted to do. A year and a half later, I feel like I know the direction I’m headed in, and the journey has been worth it.”

click on the link to learn more about this international student’s experiences with W&L



Computer Science meets Biology: Models and Algorithms for Understanding Evolution

Dr. Jessica Wu, VisJessica Wuiting Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College

Friday, December 4th
3:30 p.m. (reception)
4:00 p.m. (talk)
Parmly 307

Computational techniques have long been applied to biological data to address a wide range of evolutionary questions.

This talk will focus on the need for accurate, efficient, scalable, and general computational methods for reconstructing gene evolutionary histories. The TreeFix algorithm that combines sequence data and species histories to correct reconstruction errors will be presented along with a demonstration of how the accurate predictions enabled by TreeFix have been used to improve our understanding of evolution.

Students, Faculty/Staff invited to attend!

2015 Computer Science Graduates

Gabi Tremo, right, with her signature smile at graduation.
Deirdre Tobin '15 gives advice to future Generals
Deirdre Tobin ’15 (right) gives advice to future Generals

The Class of 2015 Computer Science Graduates, both majors and minors–Congratulations!!

Acharya, Bipeen
Archer-McClellan, Haley A.
Dickens, Anne Bailey
Ekenta, Onyebuchi
Forrestel, Madeline Anne Selzo
Gould, Scott Nickle
Hardy, Emily Kellogg
Hupalo, Allison Margaret
Jang, Han Gil
Morgan, Allen Howell
Nollet, Shannon Edana
O’Dell, Samantha Dawn
Schell, Kinsey Marie
Taylor, Brandon Elliot
Tobin, Deirdre Roisin
Tremo, Gabrielle Catherine
Utomo, Eric I.
Walker, Cory Liana
Wang, Cathy Xun
Weatherly, Mary Margaret
Zdanis, Quentin Michael

Onye Ekenta proudly walks into commencement.

Samantha O’Dell ’15 Computer Science and English Major

Follow the link to learn more about Samantha O’Dell ’15  and her educational experiences at W&L




(Prof. Salan, Paul Jang, Bipeen Acharya, and Prof Sprenkle)


Senior Honors Thesis Presentations:

Friday, April 10, 3:45-4:45 p.m. in Parmly 405 

“Towards an Automated and Customizable Linear Cryptanalysis of a
Substitution-Permutation Network Cipher for Use in Embedded Systems”
Bipeen Acharya
“Customizable Method of Automatically Detecting Malicious User Activity
in Web Applications”
Paul Jang

CSCI PBK Inductees

The Phi Beta Kappa/Society of the Cincinnati Convocation was held on March 19, 2015 from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.  Below is a list of the CSCI students that were inducted into PBK on the 19th:

– From the Class of 2014 (Graduates)
  Jean Paul Mugabe – CSCI Major
– From the Class of 2015 (Seniors)
  Kinsey Marie Schell – CSCI Major
  Cathy Wang – CSCI Minor
– From the Class of 2016 (Juniors)
   Sam Borowsky – CSCI Major
   Michael Holt – CSCI Minor
Here’s W&L’s story about PBK: