Senior Will McMurtry, Johnson Scholar and Computer Science Major, discusses why Washington and Lee was his number one choice for higher education.
Senior Will McMurtry, Johnson Scholar and Computer Science Major, discusses why Washington and Lee was his number one choice for higher education.
Some pictures from Commencement — Congratulations to the Class of 2017!
Azmain Amin
Phil Bennett
Lenny Enkhbold
Fred Gisa
Stevan Hall-Mejia
Rob Jones
Jordan Krasner
Perry O’Connor
Patrick Ozark
Lauren Revere
Mina Shnoudah
Shane Siebken
Jamie White
Brennon Williams
Asha Campbell
Dan Claroni
Michael Garcia
Evan Hinkle
Joe Perrella
Nika Pogrebna
Rachel Stone
The 2017 Senior Reception honoring the Graduates, took place on Wednesday, May 24th in the Great Hall of the Science Center. The reception provided a wonderful opportunity for faculty, students and their families gather and celebrate the students’ achievements. Here are a few photos from the festivities — Congratulations to the Class of 2017!
Azmain Amin’s Honors Thesis is entitled “An Automated, Customizable Framework for Applying Genetic Algorithms to Generate Test Cases for Web Applications” and will be presented on Friday, April 7 at 3:30 pm in Parmly 405.
THESIS ABSTRACT: Web application testing is an integral part of the web application development process. Faults within a web application can damage a company’s reputation and lead to financial losses. Customers will lose confidence if they experience inconvenience. Rigorous testing is necessary to expose faults before production release. Test case generation is a time- and resource-consuming process. Testing requirements increase exponentially with code size, and it might be impossible to exhaustively test any sufficiently complex software. This is specially true of web apps where you have multiple platforms integrating together.
In this thesis, I propose the use of genetic algorithm to generate usage-based test cases. Genetic-algorithm-based test case generation requires considerably less resources and is customizable and automated. I modeled usage-based test cases (i.e., user sessions) as components of genetic algorithm, namely genes, chromosomes and genomes, and created a customizable and automated genetic-algorithm-based testing framework. I carried out several sets of experiments, running the genetic algorithm and tuning various parameters to evaluate the effect of each parameter on the resulting generated test suite. Our results show that genetic-algorithm-based test case generation is very cost effective. The test suite is considerably smaller in size compared to the initial collection of user sessions and still maintained high resource coverage.
Karishma, a double major in Business Administration and Computer Science is currently studying abroad in Madrid. Click on the link to learn more, as she shares her insights and experiences…
Congratulations to PBK Inductees Dan Claroni ’17 (CS Minor), Patrick Ozark ’17 (CS Major) and Gillen Beck ’18 (CS Minor). The Phi Beta Kappa/Society of the Cincinnati Convocation will be held on Sunday, March 19 at 3 p.m. in Lee Chapel.
Click on the links for more details:
Lenny Enkhbold ’17 (a double major in Computer Science and German with a minor in Philosophy) is featured on the University website, in the Ethics and Leadership section. Click on the link below to read more about Lenny’s experiences at W&L
Learn more about AJ Joshi Class of 2017, a double major in Physics-Engineering and Computer Science, as he elaborates on his Internship pursuits–
The 2016 Athletic Department Awards, held on May 17th at Lee Chapel, paid tribute to W&L’s exceptional student-athletes. Senior tennis player, Michael Holt, was the male recipient of the William D. McHenry Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award. Click on the link to learn more about Michael’s achievements and about the other honorees…