CSCI Highlights from Graduation

Some pictures of the graduates — Congratulations Class of 2018!

Photo credit: W&L’s Scene on Campus, May 25, 2018

Lex and Truth
Karishma (4th from left) and Julianne (6th from left)
Truth at the Donning of the Kente Ceremony
Lex at the Donning of the Kente Ceremony
Janie on the Collonade
Gillen (left) and Rebecca (and from the left)
Truth getting his diploma
Janie bids W&L a fond farewell


CSCI 2018 Scholarships, Prizes, and Awards

Congratulations to the following Computer Science students as recipients of this year’s scholarships, awards, and prizes:

REBECCA MELKERSON (’18) – The Computer Science Department Award and The Walter LeConte Stevens Scholarship

JULIANNE CAMPBELL (’18) – The Third-Generation Student Achievement Award

ALICIA MARTINEZ (’18) – The James S. Wood Prize in German

LEX McGRIFF (’18) – The Alexander Thomas Boehling ’10 Memorial Award

KARISHMA PATEL (’18) – The Business Administration Department Scholarship


MAX GOLD (’19) – The James McDowell Scholarship

SARAH ANNE TROISE (’19) – National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates


COLLIN GLATZ (’20) – The B. S. Stephenson Scholarship

EMILY HAGEBOECK (’20) – Women’s Swimming, Outstanding Women’s Swimming Award


GILLEN BECK (’18 Minor)– National Collegiate Athletic Association Scholarship,
The H. Thomas Williams Jr. Undergraduate Research Award and the William D. McHenry Male Scholar-Athlete Award

WALKER BRAND (’18 Minor) – The Brackett Priddy Prize,  the Larry Stuart Memorial Award and the Wink Glasgow Spirit and Sportsmanship Award

AUSTIN CHOI (’18 Minor) – The Brackett Priddy Prize

RAM RAVAL (’18 Minor) – The Accounting Department Scholarship

TOMMY THETFORD (’18 Minor) – P. R. Press Brown Most Valuable Male Athlete and in Men’s Swimming, Memorial Swimming Award

PENGRUI WANG (’19 Minor)  – The George Addison Baxter Scholarship and The Garrett Economics Prize


Descriptions of each scholarship, award and prize can be found on the W&L website.

Spotlight on CSCI Major Truth Iyiewuare ’18

As graduation approaches, senior Truth Iyiewuare reflects on his time at W&L and on his personal growth and achievements.  Click on the link below to learn more about Truth!



CS Major Nora Devlin ’19 reflects on her experiences at W&L

“Attending W&L has made me more conscious of societal issues and more confident in my own opinions and beliefs.”  

Junior Nora Devlin shares how being a part of the Washington & Lee community has shaped her views and given her a stronger personal identity.  Click on the link below to learn more about Nora…

CS Major Collin Glatz ’20 will participate in the GAE Program

Collin Glatz, a sophomore at W&L and a double major in German and Computer Science, has plans to participate in the German American Exchange Internship Program (GAE) over summer 2018.  The GAE program helps American students secure three-month long business internships in Germany. While there, they can work on their language skills while also gaining a better understanding of Germany’s economic and business role within the European Union. Glatz will be working this summer with Fresenius in Frankfurt.

For more details about this exciting opportunity click on the link below.  Congratulations, Collin!


CSCI Majors, Truth Iyiewuare ’18 and Alicia Martinez ’18, inducted into ODK!

Two Computer Science Majors will be be inducted into Alpha Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, (ODK) the national leadership honor society, at Washington and Lee University’s annual Founders Day/ODK Convocation.  The ceremony will be held on Jan. 18, 2018 at 5 p.m. in Lee Chapel.  Below are brief descriptions of these students and their many accomplishments.  Congratulations, Truth and Alicia!

Truth  Iyiewuare (Houston, Texas) is a computer science major. He has been a leader in the Student Association for Black Unity, as vice president and now as president. He has also displayed leadership in his major, having worked as a lab assistant for students in the introductory computer science class, and as a peer tutor for other students in need of any computer science help. Truth is also a member of Kathekon, which serves alumni visiting campus and increases student-alumni relations. Lastly, he is a student representative of the Diversity and First-Gen Working Group at W&L, an administrative committee that strives to create a better experience for diverse groups on campus.

Alicia Martinez (Seaford, Delaware) is majoring in computer science. As the head community assistant and the president of the Campus Unity Initiative, she strives to create a fun and inclusive atmosphere on campus. Martinez is an active peer tutor, has served as president of the German Club, and was selected to attend the 2018 Women’s Leadership Summit. She is a recipient of the QuestBridge Match Scholarship as well as several departmental awards, including the Jim Stump Prize in German and the John Preston Moore III Award.

Click on the link for the full story….

CSCI Minor Gillen Beck ’18 earns spot on 2017 Division III Academic All-District men’s soccer team

Washington and Lee senior goalkeeper, Gillen Beck, was named to the 13-member District 5 team for the second time in his career.  Gillen is a mathematics and physics double-major, and a computer science minor.  Click on the link to read more about Gillen’s achievements…

CSCI Major Mary Catherine Greenleaf ’19: Digital Humanities Experience

Mary Catherine, a Computer Science and Studio Art major, describes her recent participation in a Digital Humanities project, and shares her enthusiasm for blending art with computer science.