Computer Science Department 2017 PBK Inductees

Congratulations to PBK Inductees Dan Claroni ’17 (CS Minor), Patrick Ozark ’17 (CS Major) and Gillen Beck ’18 (CS Minor). The Phi Beta Kappa/Society of the Cincinnati Convocation will be held on Sunday, March 19 at 3 p.m. in Lee Chapel.

Click on the links for more details:

CSCI Major Azmain Amin ’17 inducted into ODK

During W&L’s annual Founders Day/ODK Convocation on Jan. 19th, Azmain Amin along with four honorary and 38 student initiates will be inducted into Alpha Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), the national leadership honor society.  The ceremony will take place at 5pm in Lee Chapel.  Congratulations Azmain!

Click on the following link for more details:


Computer Science Major/Minor Award Recipients

Congratulations to the following CSCI students who have received scholarships awards or prizes:

MICHAEL WATKINS HOLT – Special Honors – Valedictorian; The Robinson Award in Mathematics and Science,  Johnson Scholar, William D. McHenry Male Scholar-Athlete

LUCY MAUDE SIMKO (’11) – National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships (three years of funding in support of graduate study)

JOHANNA MICHELLE GEORGEN – The Computer Science Department Award

BRENNON THORNTON WILLIAMS – The Academy of American Poets Award,  The Maxwell P. Wilkinson Scholarship in English

JOHN PATRICK BARRY – Johnson Scholar



JOHN LUCIUS KIRBY – The Physics and Engineering Departmental Scholarship

RACHEL ELIZABETH STONE – The Douglas C Halstead Memorial Scholarship

JOK GENGA ASIYO –  The Callum Owings Memorial Award

DARREN A. DOUGLAS – Coaches and Captains Award

HARRISON P. DEKNIGHT – Coaches and Captains Track and Field Award

CSCI Major Michael Holt ’16 honored at Athletic Department Awards

Michael Holt ’16, front row, center right

The 2016 Athletic Department Awards, held on May 17th at Lee Chapel, paid tribute to W&L’s exceptional student-athletes.  Senior tennis player, Michael Holt,  was the male recipient of the William D. McHenry Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award.  Click on the link to learn more about Michael’s achievements and about the other honorees…


CSCI Major Johanna Goergen ’16 Thesis Defense

Date: 4/8/2016
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Computer Science Dept.
(reception at 3:30)

Johanna Goergen ’16 will defend her Thesis on Friday, April 8th at 4pm in the CSCI Department.

“Leveraging Parameter and Resource Naming Conventions to Improve Test Suite Adherence to Persistent State Conditions”

A web application is a software application whose functionality can be accessed by users over the Internet via web browsers. As web applications take on vital and sensitive responsibilities, it is critical that web applications are well-tested and maintained before they are deployed to the public and with every subsequent update or change. A common approach to automating web application testing is test suite generation based on user sessions. Although these approaches to automated testing are promising,
they leave room for improvement in effectiveness due to their lack of adherence to requirements imposed by data outside of application code, such as data stored in databases. My objective is to contribute an approach to creating more effective web application test suites based on predicting the content of the application’s external data store(s) throughout testing.


CSCI Students Brian Krouskos ’16 and Jamie White ’17 are Phi Beta Kappa Inductees

Congratulations to CS Minor Brian Krouskos ’16 and CS Major Jamie White ’17 as they are honored at the 2016 Phi Beta Kappa/Society of Cincinnati Convocation and Induction Ceremony to be held on Sunday, March 13th. Brian and Jamie join previous CSCI PBK inductees Sam Borowsky ’16 and Michael Holt ’16 who were inducted at the 2015 Phi Beta Kappa Ceremony.

Click on the link for more details!

CSCI Major – Rajwol Joshi ’18 — International Perspectives

“I came here primarily for a liberal arts education (something not available back home), uncertain of what I wanted to do. A year and a half later, I feel like I know the direction I’m headed in, and the journey has been worth it.”

click on the link to learn more about this international student’s experiences with W&L


Computer Science: ODK Initiates

Congratulations to Computer Science major Johanna Goergen and Computer Science minor Brian Krouskos on being inducted into ODK!  Johanna and Brian join Computer Science major Michael Holt ’16, who was initiated last year.

Johanna Goergen (Kinnelon, New Jersey) is a computer science and mathematics double major. She serves as resident adviser, an LGBT peer counselor and a teaching assistant for computer science. She served as the computer science officer and vice president for Women in Technology and Science. She is the senior class liaison in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Brian Michael Krouskos (Alpharetta, Georgia) is an accounting and business administration major and computer science minor. A four-year member of the men’s tennis team, he has twice been named to the All-ODAC first team. He is an associate director of the Williams Investment Society and worked with Washington and Lee Student Consulting 2013–2014. He is a Eucharistic minister for Catholic Campus Ministry and a peer tutor for introductory accounting and computer science classes.

The W&L News Story

CSCI Major Lenny Enkhbold ’17

Junior German and Computer Science major, Lenny Enkhbold, has been selected one of 13 founding members of the Merrell College Ambassadors program from colleges around the country.   Click on the link to learn more:


CSCI Summer Research Spotlight

Find out what Azmain Amin, a junior who worked with Professor Sara Sprenkle and fellow junior Mina Shnoudah did over the summer….