2023 ODK Computer Science Inductee – Katie Yurechko

W&L’s Alpha Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), the national leadership honor society, held its spring induction ceremony on March 16.  Computer Science major, Katie Yurechko ’24, was among the 50 new members.

Congratulations, Katie!

To learn more about the ODK ceremony, click the link:

Another Publication for CS Professor Liz Matthews!

Congratulations to Professor Matthews for her latest online publication “Consistent Gaming Skill Demographics in Academic Research” !!
The paper has been published in the IADIS International Journal on  Computer Science and Information Systems – Volume 17, Issue 2, 2022 (online journal)
and is available at
This publication is also noteworthy because it was co-authored by W&L students — Irina Koleva ’22 and Sujana Basnet ’23.

This paper highlights this problem of inconsistent gaming terminology, collects demographic questions in existing research, and showcases the data collected from a user study with these questions. The results show that self-chosen categories are a statistically significant metric and are recommended as an easy-to-obtain value.

Below is an image of the first page of the paper.

Abtract and Introduction of the pubilcation.


Published Paper for CS Prof. Liz Matthews

Congratulations to Professor Matthews  for her published paper  “Gaming Skill Demographics:  An Analysis of Consistency in Video Game Research”!

An important fact about this paper is it’s based on the work of two SRS students from last summer.  It was also selected as one of the best papers.  Although it didn’t win, this paper was extended for publication in another journal which should be accessible in another month or so.

Here is an image of the first page of the paper along with links to the title page and the website where the full paper will eventually be available.

Title page with Abstract and Introduction



Showcasing Joe Salerno ’22 Athletic Achievements!

Joe Salerno who graduated in May 2022 with a B.S.  in computer science,  set the season pin record for W&L wrestling .  Joe’s win means he had 21 pins on the season, breaking his own school record of 20 set during the 2019-20 season.  Joe has 59 career pins, –another school record!   This wrestling success was featured in the 2021-22 Conference Athletes of the Week article.  Congratulations, Joe!

Follow these links to learn more



2022 Computer Science Summer Research Scholars

The Summer Research Scholars (SRS) program supports students participating in collaborative research supervised by W&L faculty. The program aims to encourage the development of research techniques within a particular discipline, to promote the active acquisition of knowledge, and to stimulate student interest in inquiry.

Here are the 2022  Computer Science Department’s SRS students,  their faculty supervisors and descriptions of their projects:

Professor Liz Matthews:

Sarah Martin, ’23:
-Sarah is implementing statistical analysis using nonparametric methods on data collected about gamer skill levels and features.
Danish Bokhari, ’24:≠
-Danish is studying design and data collection about video game enjoyment metrics for games containing procedural generation.



Professor Simon Levy:

Matt Stock≠ ’23
Matt and Prof. Levy are working on adding a RaspberryPi (“Internet of Things”) project  to enable a RealAnt robot to move about wirelessly and learn some interesting behaviors.

Professor Sara Sprenkle:

≠Grace MacDonald ’23:
Grace is developing new features and functionality for The Ancient Graffiti, a perfect fit for a computer science major with a classics minor!  She is improving AGP’s usability on mobile devices and will work on a variety of projects to make more graffiti available for public viewing.


Armando Mendez-Anastasio ’24:
Armando is developing ChemTutor, an online chemistry tutorial to help students transition to college-level chemistry.  He will add new functionality to the site and work on making ChemTutor more easily deployed to the cloud.

≠Lakpa Sherpa ’25:
Lakpa is exploring how to automatically identify anomalous behavior in accesses to web applications.  He will be running automated experiments and analyzing lots of data.



Professor Cody Watson:

≠Abdelrahman AboEitta ’23:
Abdul and Professor Watson are working on a deep learning model that can identify and automatically fix security vulnerabilities in java source code methods.


Bennett Ehret, ’24:
Bennett and Professor Watson are working on a deep learning solution to automatically generate code documentation, specifically code comments, for source code methods that implement machine learning models.

Mohamed Elhussiny



Mohamed Elhussiny’24 and Leyti Ndiaye ’26:
Along with Professor Watson, Mohamed and Leyti are building a variety of machine learning methods to automatically identify negative in-game behavior within the popular video game League of Legends.


Professor Taha Khan:

Jack Bosco ’24:

Jack is working on better understanding how Internet users perceive what should happen to their data post bereavement. Jack is developing a user study over the summer.

Mohamed Elhussiny’24:

Mohamed  is working on a project that involves analyzing at GitHub repositories to understand the significance of class methods are semantically≠ similar and investigate their security and usability implications. 


2022 Computer Science Degrees, Scholarships, Prizes and Awards

Congratulations to the Class of 2022 Computer Science Majors and Minors for their outstanding achievements!   Their accomplishments, along with the accomplishments of certain CS undergraduates  are listed here, as they appear in the Commencement Bulletin.

2022 Graduates:

  • Luke Patrick Alli – Bachelor of Science
  • Theodore C. Bentley – Bachelor of Science
  • Samuel Thomas Bluestone – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude
  • Dominique Nicole Broomfield – Bachelor of Science
  • August Spencer Donovan – Bachelor of Arts
  • Ana Sophia Estrada Hamm
    Jackson Mark Gazin – Bachelor of Arts, Honors in Mathematics (Thesis: “Linear Algebraic Methods in Data Science and Neural Networks”)
  • Bryan Lawrence Hadley – Bachelor of Science
  • Jae-Ung Jung – Bachelor of Science
  • Tara Krishnadas Kakkaramadam – Bachelor of Science
  • Laurie A. Lee – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
  • Elyssa M. McMaster – Bachelor of Arts, Honors in Art History (Thesis:  “Florence + The Machine:  A Computational Approach to Florentine Liturgical Manuscript Illuminations from the Late Trecento”)
  • Walter Ellis Millwood – Bachelor of Science
  • Garrett Montgomery Mize – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
  • Evan Lewis Phaup – Bachelor of Science
  • Joseph Paul Salerno – Bachelor of Science
  • Yoseph Mandefro Tamene – Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude
  • Finn Ellis Thorne – Bachelor of Science
  • Haochen Tu – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude
  • (Alyssa) Trang Thuy Vu – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude, Valedictorian
  • Scott Kenneth Walters – Bachelor of Arts
  • Taylor Ryan Witherell – Bachelor of Science

Fellowships Received:

  • Elyssa M. McMaster – Fulbright U.S. Student Program, Italy
  • Ana Sophia Estrada Hamm – U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship, Arabic

Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes:

  • (Alyssa) Trang Thuy Vu – The Robinson Award in Mathematics and Science

Departmental Awards:

  • Samuel Thomas Bluestone – The Computer Science Department Award
  • Ana Sophia Estrada Hamm – The Computer Science Department Award
  • Yoseph Mandefro Tamene –  The Computer Science Department Award
  • (Alyssa) Trang Thuy Vu – The Computer Science Department Award
  • Dominique Nicole Broomfield – The Linda Cooper and Bobby Henderson Prize
  • Haochen Tu – International Education, Certificate of International Immersion
  • Samuel Thomas Bluestone – Office of Jewish Life, The Jewish Learning Fellowship
  • Nicholas Ranson Steinert ’23 – The Economic Academic Excellence Award
  • Sujana Basnet ’23 – The Griffith Scholarship
  • Jackson J. Jacobs, ’24 – Richard Miller Cross Country Award

2022 PBK initiates from the Computer Science Department

Here are the CS Dept. student inductees from the Class of 2022 and 2023 for the Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Society of Cincinnati:

Sam Bluestone
Ana Estrada Hamm
Haochen Tu

Abdel AboEitta


Spotlight on Summer Research Scholars

Abdelrahman AboEitta ’23, CS Major
Abdel developed the latest version of ChemTutor (https://chemtutor.wlu.edu/), an online tutorial to help prepare students for college-level chemistry.  ChemTutor was developed by faculty and students at 4 small, liberal arts institutions and is funded by the Associated Colleges of the South.  Beyond developing new functionality for instructors, Abdel used Docker to deploy ChemTutor on Amazon Web Services so that it is easier for other institutions to deploy.

Sujana Basnet, ’23, CS Major
Irina Koleva, ’22, Neuroscience Major
Sujana and Irina completed a survey of academic research on video game experience categories, designed and conducted a user study to collect data based on the survey, and ran statistical analysis of the user study data. Also, they began work on an academic paper to be submitted to an appropriate venue in the Fall.

William Xue ’24
Will’s project name was:  Cloudsweeper: A Tool for Personal Cloud Management. The personal cloud is a convenient and affordable way to retain and share files over time. However, as time passes, some files lose their relevance. Crucially, some files that are no longer useful may still contain sensitive information, creating risks due to data breaches, lost devices, and account takeovers.  During the Summer of 2021, Will used his Python and web design skills to work both on the front and backend of the design of Cloudsweeper, a web application which incorporates machine learning to highlight potentially sensitive and useless files in individuals’ cloud accounts. The current version is live at: https://cloudsweeper.app.  Currently, the app only supports the Google Drive cloud platform. Will plans to continue work with the team to integrate the app with support across multiple cloud platforms and conduct future research studies by using the app as a data collection tool.

Billy Tobin ’24
Billy’s project name was : An Empirical Evaluation of Method Signature Similarity in Codebases.  Modern programming languages have revolutionized the way in which software developers design and develop computer programs. These languages provide individuals with user-friendly capabilities that enhance the productivity of developers while ensuring minimal code redundancy. One such feature of programming languages is method overloading.Billy spent the summer of 2021 empirically evaluating the pervasiveness of overloaded methods in large-scale repositories understanding their relationship over time, as repositories grow. Based on the initial results, Billy plans to extend his work to understand the usability aspects of overloaded methods and determine where they may have correctness, security, performance, and complexity implications.

Honors Thesis: Evolutionary Control of Micro Aerial Vehicles in Simulation– Coletta R. Fuller ’21

Coletta, a Johnson Scholar, double majored  in computer science and music, and minored in creative writing.  She presented her Honors Thesis on Evolutionary Control of Micro Aerial Vehicles in Simulation via Zoom on Wednesday April 14th.

This thesis examined the challenge of safely landing quadcopters in simulation, using OpenAI gym environments to evaluate various machine learning algorithms. The two main categories explored were Deep Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary algorithms. While the success of the DRL approach motivated this work, the evolutionary angle is of more interest due to its roots in more realistic biological inspiration. One specific evolutionary approach, NEAT, had success in the three-dimensional version of the problem, while none of the DRL attempts were successful. The dominance of NEAT on this challenge, while impressive in contrast with DRL, also had reasonably comparable success to a heuristic, human engineered approach.

2021 Computer Science Degrees, Scholarships, Prizes and Awards

Congratulations to the Class of 2021 Computer Science Majors and Minors for their outstanding achievements! They are listed here, as they appear in the Commencement Bulletin.

2021 Graduates:

TEMITOPE ELIZABETH ADEYANJU – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
KUSH ATTAL – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
MICHAEL WILLIAM BROWN – Bachelor of Science, Honors in Geology (Thesis “Estimating Soil Carbon Content of Grazing Lands in Rockbridge County, Virginia, using Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques”)
TRISTAN HENRY CADE – Bachelor of Science
JAY JAEYEON CHOI – Bachelor of Arts
KATIE SUE CONES – Bachelor of Arts, Honors in Mathematics (Thesis: “Bounding Box Sizes and Closure Properties of Spirolateral Graphs generated by Permutations”)
JACOB AIDAN FLOOD – Bachelor of Arts
COLETTA R. FULLER – Bachelor of Arts,  Honors in Computer Science (Thesis: “Evolving Neural Controllers for Micro Aerial Vehicles in Simulation”),  Computer Science Department Award, cum laude.
CALLAN JANE GARST – Bachelor of Science, Honors in Mathematics (Thesis: “It’s a Point, It’s a Line, It’s the Projective Plane:  An Exploration of the Algebraic and Geometric Connections of the Projective Plane”), magna cum laude
FADY E. GOUDA – Bachelor of Science
ABHI ANANDA JHA – Bachelor of Arts
(TINA) DONGTING JIN – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
CORINNE GRACE JOIREMAN – Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude
HANNAH LAURIE JONES – Bachelor of Science
DANIEL AUSTIN KUNTZ – Bachelor of Science
JAMES EDGAR LAWSON – Bachelor of Arts
WILLIAM WYATT MEDICK – Bachelor of Science
ALLIE SMITH MILLER – Bachelor of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude
GRIFFIN WILLIAM NOE – Bachelor of Arts
JOHN NICHOLAS ST. PIERRE – Bachelor of Science, cum laude
UTKRIST PRATAP THAPA – Bachelor of Science
ANDREW TOSTEN THOMPSON – Bachelor of Science, cum laude

Fellowships Received

ANA ESTRADA HAMM, ’22 – Boren Scholarship (scholarship for language study abroad)

Scholarships, Awards and Prizes

(ALYSSA) TRANG THUY VU ,’22 – The James D. Davidson Memorial Fund Scholarship, The James McDowell Scholarship
KUSH ATTAL ,’21 – The Mapleson Award
MICHAEL WILLIAM BROWN, ’21 – The Henry Ruffner Scholarship, The Lena T.  Stevens Scholarship in Geology
KATIE SUE CONES, ’21 – The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) Award
LAURIE A. LEE, ’22 – The Catherine Houston Campbell Scholarship in English Literature
SAMUEL THOMAS BLUESTONE, ’22 – The Jewish Learning Fellowship
ELYSSA M. MCMASTER, ’22 – The Jewish Learning Fellowship
DANIEL AUSTIN KUNTZ, ’21 – The Williams Prize in Mathematics
COLETTA R. FULLER ’21 – The Washington and Lee University Orchestra Award, The Computer Science Department Award
PRAISE D. APATA, ’23 – The Douglas C. Halstead Memorial Scholarship