Van Devender Awarded NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship

Senior computer science major Anne Van Devender was recently awarded an NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship to pursue her Ph.D. in Computer Science. The scholarship provides $7500 for one year of school.

The W&L News Story

Two Computer Science Majors Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa

Today, senior Anne Van Devender and junior Josiah Davis were inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa National Academic Honor Society. Anne and Josiah join senior Mariya Miteva, who was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa last year. Today’s convocation featured an inspiring speech from Steven Squyres, who talked about the adventures of working on the Mars Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity.

Congratulations, Anne and Josiah!

The W&L News Story

CS Students Win Conference Travel Scholarships

Seniors Nicole Carter and Anne Van Devender were recently awarded scholarships to attend conferences.

Nicole Carter will be attending the Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing in Portland, OR in April. The conference focuses on students from under-represented groups in computing, supporting students through special mentoring sessions and providing them with networking opportunities.

Anne Van Devender will be attending CHI–the premier computer-human interaction conference–in Boston in April. Anne will learn about cutting-edge research with help from funding awarded by the ACM-W.

Congratulations, Anne and Nicole!