The 2024 CS Halloween Party was held on October 29 @ Professor Matthews’ house. Check out these party pics!

Another well deserved achievement for Katie!
Yurechko, who double majors in computer science and philosophy and minors in poverty and human capability studies, has been named the 2024 Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) Leader of the Year in academics and research.
The Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) Leader of the Year in academics and research recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and achievements in the area of academia and research within their academic community or institution.
A 2023 initiate of the University’s Alpha Circle of ODK, Katie will graduate in May 2024 with a 4.0 GPA. She was also named W&L’s first Marshall Scholar in December 2023.
Here’s the link to the full story.
The first ever W&L SOLVE Hackathon was held in the IQ Center, May 12-13, 2024.
A hackathon is an event where individuals or teams come together to collaboratively work on solving problems or creating innovative projects within a limited time frame. The SOLVE 2024 event was an interdisciplinary student-focused gathering for any undergraduate student from W&L.
A grand prize of $1,000 was awarded to three separate teams judged to have created the best products or for embodying the spirit of the competition. Danish Bokhari ’24, Lakpa Sherpa ’25 and Mohamed Soliman ’27, who created EcoEats, a food app designed to revolutionize the way we eat and live sustainably, were one of the three winning teams.
Congratulations Danish, Lakpa and Mohamed!
Click here to read the full Columns article:
On November 2 , the Computer Science Department held its first ever Capture the Flag event.
Capture the Flag (CtF) in computer security is an exercise in which participants attempt to find text strings, called “flags”, which are secretly hidden in purposefully-vulnerable programs or websites.
From unraveling cryptic codes to identifying vulnerabilities in simulated systems, student teams showcased their skills in ethical hacking and digital defense. CS’s CtF served to foster a dynamic cybersecurity community on campus.
The success of this initial session set the stage for future exciting and intellectually stimulating CtF competitions!
Congratulations to the Class of 2023 Computer Science Majors and Minors for their outstanding achievements! Their accomplishments, along with the accomplishments of certain CS undergraduates are listed here, as they appear in the Commencement Bulletin.
The 2023 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference took place in Austin, Texas on April 30-May 4. This conference is considered the most recognized forum to showcase and discuss progress in research, development, standards and applications of web-related topics. Katie, along with collaborators Carnegie Mellon professor Daniel Klug and student Ella Steen of Gordon College, presented their research findings, on “How Algorithm Awareness Impacts Algospeak Use on TikTok” .
In addition to being a Johnson Scholar, Yurechko double majors in computer science and philosophy. She is also minors in poverty and human capability. Katie is dedicated to supporting marginalized communities and promoting diversity in computing, stating that “computer science is not solely about creating technical advances; it is also about critically analyzing those advances from interdisciplinary perspectives.”
Congratulations to Katie on her accomplishments and achievements!
Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) was founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary. Its motto is “Love of learning is the guide of life.” The Gamma of Virginia Chapter was chartered at W&L in 1911.
The PBK chapter at Washington and Lee University welcomed 49 members of the junior and senior classes at the Phi Beta Kappa/Society of the Cincinnati Convocation on March 31. Of those initiates, the following computer science majors are from the Class of 2023 and 2024:
Grace MacDonald
Dan Nguyen
Katie Yurechko
Lakpa and Ignas came in second for best education hack at Hoo Hacks 2023 with their EsyLearn project.
During the hackathon, Lakpa and Ignas were inspired to produce a personal learning assistant that would accept and adjust to the learning needs of its user.
EsyLearn communicates with users via a web interface where the users can easily speak and get responses back, just like talking to another human being. Through natural language processing, it provides responses both in text and audio for better understanding. Within 24 hours, Lakpa and Ignas essentially created a virtual assistant that is as smart as Jarvis in the Iron Man Movies.
Congratulations, Lakpa and Ignas!
You can learn more in the W&L feature story and in the Hook Hacks project gallery.