These robots were created by students in Prof. Levy’s spring 2008 course CSCI 250: Robot and Mind. Students built the robots using the popular Lego Mindstorms NXT platform and controlled the robots using the Python programming language. The control computer communicated with the robots using a wireless Bluetooth connection. The setup allows students to apply skills learned in their other computer science courses to robotics and frees them from the constraints imposed by the processor and memory limitations of the robot hardware.
CS Listed in Top Job Survey lists math and CS jobs as 5 of the 6 top ones in a recent survey.
See for details.
Ivy, All-Region
Jack Ivy was named “All-Region” for his 35th place finish at the Cross-Country Regionals.
Congratulations Jack!
Van Devender, Academic All-American
Anne Van Devender was named first-team Academic All-America as well as ODAC Scholar-Athlete of the Year and third-team All-America in women’s soccer.