Graduates, Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes 2014

Congratulations to all our Computer Science majors and minors for their outstanding work and efforts this academic year. Graduate majors: Alexander K. Baca, Connor A. Hollenbeck, Jin Huang, Patrick J. Jennings, Garrett Koller,  Colin M. Mohnacs, Jean P. Mugabe, Anton D. Reed, Suraj Bajracharya, Andrew E. Kimberly, Richard J. Marmorstein and graduate minors: William M. Peaseley.


The following students have won, since the last commencement, fellowships in national or international competitions which underwrite their continuing academic endeavors.

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships– (three years of funding in support of graduate study): Camille Morgan Cobb ‘12

Venture for American Fellowship (two years of work and mentoring as an entrepreneur with American start-up companies): Alexander Kairo Anderson Baca ‘14


Computer Science: The Computer Science Department Award: Richard J. Marmorstein

The Kim Family Prize in Economics: Richard J. Marmorstein

Johnson Scholars: Garrett Heath Koller     

Mathematics Department: The Taylor Scholarship in Mathematics: Onyebuchi Ekenta         

Student Affairs: The Douglas C. Halstead Memorial Scholarship: Jok Genga Asiyo

The Ring Tum Phi Awards: Anton D. Reed

Team Awards: Leigh Williams Memorial Award: Andrew E. Kimberly

Football: Dan Ray Justice Memorial Football Award: Connor Hollenbeck