W&L Programming teams won 2nd and 6th place out of 20 at the annual Dickinson College Programming Contest on Saturday, April 5. Team “Syntax Error to the Thrown Exception” placed 2nd with seniors Richard Marmorstein ’14 and Alex Baca ’14 and first year Lauren Revere ’17. Team “Justice League” placed 6th with seniors Garrett Koller ’14 and Anton Reed ’14 and junior Samantha O’Dell ’15.
In such competitions, teams try to solve as many of the programming problems as possible in the least amount of time, fueled by pizza, snacks, and caffeine. A solution consists of code that correctly executes for all possible correctly formatted inputs. The contest also included teams from Dickinson, Elizabethtown, Ursinus, Gettysburg, Lebanon Valley, and Messiah Colleges and Penn State – Harrisburg. Team “F.R.O.G” from Messiah College won the competition.
The Programming Club and ACM Student Chapter at Washington and Lee is led by Alex Baca ’14.